Ethics and integrity

We believe in our role, regarding the strengthening and dissemination of our purposes, principles and values, contributing to businesses with honesty, responsibility, responsibility, independence, long-term vision and constant concern with impacts.

The set of controls, documents such as the Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct, Institutional Policies, internal rules and procedures and the Reporting Channel contribute to everyone's commitment to strengthening the culture of Compliance, especially with the prevention and combating of combat fraud, corruption and money laundering, with zero tolerance for any kind of misconduct.

The Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct was developed based on our mission and values ​​and in accordance with current legislation. Internally, it acts as a benchmark for ethical and moral conduct to guide the decisions, attitudes and actions of our employees, at any hierarchical level, while, externally, it is used to discipline services with the stakeholders that form our operating environment. 

President's Speech


Código de Ética e de Conduta

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Código de Conduta para Parceiros e Fornecedores

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Políticas e Documentos Corporativos


The Compliance Policy aims to establish the main guidelines and responsibilities related to the Compliance Program of uisa (“Company”), aiming to disseminate the ethical, risk and compliance culture and practice at all levels of the Company, demonstrating the importance of customer service regulatory norms, internal norms and the Code of Ethics and Conduct, for the purpose of managing compliance and integrity risks, in addition to presenting the structure of the Compliance Area.

Compliance Policy

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This Policy aims to establish guidelines on the Company's commitment to conduct its business with transparency, integrity and in compliance with applicable laws, valuing conduct based on ethical principles and values, wherever the uisa ("Company") act.


Anti-Bribery Policy

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The purpose of the uisa Privacy Policy is to define and describe the steps that uisa takes to ensure that the GDPR requirements are met.

Privacy Policy

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This Policy aims to establish the rules and guidelines to be observed by administrators, employees, Partners, Suppliers and Third Parties who act on behalf of uisa, when in contact with any Public Agent, in order to mitigate the risk of occurrence of illicit acts .


Related Party Transactions Policy

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Reporting channel

isa implemented a channel for complaints, complaints and suggestions

Access our Channel