
We are much more than a corporate structure. Our ecosystem is everything we represent and produce, our focus on innovation, continuous improvement and zeal for good environmental, social and governance practices.

The synergy between all sectors and a robust ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) process enable action and a look to the future, in line with the interests of our investors, the market and the whole of society. 

ecossistema uisa Responsabilidade Social Relações com Investidores Inovação e Tecnologia Sustentabilidade Personal Care Biogás Biomassas CBIOs Energia Elétrica Saneantes Etanol Açúcar Itamarati Instituto Florescer uisa Esg CBC T4Agro

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Distribution centers

We have five distribution centers of our own


Our outstanding experience in the area of ​​Logistics, focused on the distribution of sugar